Religion In Public Schools

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Education and religion are two inseparable topics that tend to lead to confusion and controversy when they are placed upon each other. Since the beginning, the United States of America has been built upon religion. Hence the term, “God” being put into famous writings such as the Pledge of Allegiance and the Constitution. However, as time goes on the number of diversity in religion and has risen. In addition, it has become a debate on whether or not religion should be allowed into the new current developing school systems. Despite the ongoing opinions of non-religious people, there cannot be a wall between religion and public schools. As stated before, America has a number of historic moments that contain religious references. Therefore it …show more content…

Fortunately not a whole lot of change will happen. Permitting religion in public schools for educational purposes will lead to necessary boundaries. Consequently, teachers cannot turn their classrooms into church sessions. If teachers do decide to include religion for other purposes besides education, there would be major consequences. Allowing students to have a moment of silence is as far as a religious act a teacher can ask a student to do. Teachers would be abusing their powers by forcing or adding any type of judgement upon students who refuse to participate in activities such as moments of silence. No student would be entitled to do anything he or she does not want to do. When it comes to including religion in other activities that go beyond taking place in classrooms, there should be no conflict. Students and teachers may form and participate a various of religious clubs of their choosing. There religious clubs may include, but not limited to, bible studies or prayer sessions. These type of activities may be allowed in public schools as long as they are being taken place after school. In addition, banning religion in schools would mean that students who are religious will have no choice but to set aside their beliefs in favor of other students. The misconception of religion taking over education is what leads to people wanting religion-free public schools. There are laws …show more content…

According to Washington post journalist, Valerie Strauss banning religion would mean there would be no Christmas references allowed in public schools. Strauss states, “The Supreme Court has held that the Christmas tree is a secular symbol of the holiday season; therefore, the display of a Christmas tree in the school lobby, temporarily, does not violate the Establishment Clause.” If religion was banned, this statement would be opposite. Mythical characters such as Santa Claus and the Easter Bunny would have to be immediately removed from children activities. If religion was banned from schools, common things such as Christmas decorations would have to be adjusted. Overall, there would be more than education changing if students and staff will not be allowed to have religion in

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