Religion Essay

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In society and culture, leadership has the paradigm of a great and powerful person, who makes change in a miraculous and unconventional way. Since the beginning of time, people have completed heroic acts against evil and sin, but in many cases it is those who have the lesser appearance and humble disposition who have established the greatest acts of heroism. In the Bible, the Israelites and Hebrews waited for God to send a high and mighty king to save them from the oppression of the Roman government, but instead they were blessed with a little baby boy, born of poor parents who grew up to be a carpenter, yet won over death giving all humanity the opportunity to save the most important aspect of life; their soul. Leaders are always are depicted as government officials or society’s finest, but it is more important to treasure and follow a leader whose life you can duplicate because of their character, because their life pushes you to be better and elevates you to be a better person. Jesus Christ not only is the greatest leader of the church, but has the greatest life for society and humanity to pursue. The distinguishing factor of a person who has power contrary to an individual, who has a purpose to lead, is the intent for their position as a leader. God knew that He would have to send Jesus to save mankind from sin. God reveals to Isaiah that he will send a Savior (Jesus Christ); When the people cry to the Lord for help against those who oppress them, he will send them a savior who will rescue them (Isaiah 19:20). Jesus did not try to gain many followers or become the most popular man in Israel, but instead He wanted to change the life of every person he encountered with or without gratitude or anything in return. It ... ... middle of paper ... ...hat He had the result of the many followers. In addition, Jesus knew that He had enough confidence in Himself and God’s promises never to leave Him, that Jesus was able to feel comfortable to be Himself without worrying about the image or reputation he received. A leader should never be focused on what others think, because someone who high treasures other’s opinions will unconsciously change themselves to be liked, but Jesus knew that by following God, there would be no reason to put in extra effort to be liked. Finally, self-sacrifice is the most important trait that a leader could posses. Jesus’ ultimate sacrifice on the cross is the epitome of love and leadership. A leader is not just placed to lead but protect His people despite the cost and Jesus completes his job as leader and protector to the fullest. Not only does He lead us but He protects us daily.

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