Relationship Between Autonomy And Freedom

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Plaisance in this chapter examines concepts of autonomy and its relationship with freedom, and puts those explanations into media practice. Freedom, liberty, and autonomy are different concepts. Freedom and liberty are pretty similar which refer to one’s be free from restrain. While autonomy is a “self-rule”—it refers to a person who governs his or her own actions based on their own values. Therefore autonomy can bring up with more moral issues. All these three concepts are about freedom. But do we have free will? Research turn out to support that absolute free will is an illusion. Based on such research, it is necessary for us to look at implications of elements of moral life, and to find out the ethical obligations of autonomy. Even a more specific definition of autonomy is not always the highest good if placing too much significance on it. Colby and Damin’s study on “moral examplars”,as well as arguments of feminists, suggests that human development and individuation are sometime contradictory. …show more content…

Positive freedom is people’s ability to cultivate human flourishing, to fulfill personal development, and to self-master. It brings up dilemma between to choice of “taking ownership of our reasons for doing things” and “ simply having the freedom to do them”. Plaincanse uses Kant’s idea of moral autonomy to help readers make sense of the dilemma. The importance of practitioner and citizens operating out of free will does not stop with an analysis of journalism. Public relations, the Web, and journalistic voice in new media are addressed as

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