Regressive Autism In Disney Films

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Stupidity lingers in the minds of people who lack the audacity to achieve greater feats due to the pessimistic feelings that prevent them from accomplishing goals known by others as impossible. “Juicervose” brings the use of Disney characters towards the objective of almost curing a child’s inability to speak as he suffers from regressive autism. Ron, Cornelia, and Walter Suskind, the family of Owen learn about his connections to the music and personality of animated Disney roles with his understanding of the basis of the real world. Through rewinding The Little Mermaid to exactly one scene over and over again, the Suskinds’s realized the phrase ‘Juicervose’, the only term that Owen could mumble clearly, was alluding to the line “Just your voice” uttered by Ursula. Furthermore, Ron developed an …show more content…

Following this theory, they reasoned that was new hope for Owen and other children fighting Autism. Indeed, there was several more stories that displayed miracles alluding to successful cures for even children with severe autism, while conversely, stories of 23 year olds with autism who fully depended on caretakers. Owen himself began to regress after threats from peers against his family taunted him. Walter, his brother became worried, likewise his parents noticed irregular signs of him discarding his Disney scene recreating interest. However, catching wind of Owen’s experience at school, they realized he was afraid Walter was going to hurt the children, a characteristic that all Disney movies lacked; a hero who kills a villain. On the contrary, Owen has grown up and lives with his friends after graduating, an independent life beyond what most autistic kids can

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