Refugee Migration

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They disfavor, in Bharati Mukherjee’s words, Maximalism creed. The element of ‘double identity’ “as an ambassador and a refugee” does not haunt them. They think of their role only that of ambassador and fail to adopt the host culture, always nurtures a desire to protect and preserve the native culture. However, the second generation gets inspired by their role as refugee that induces them “to seek refuge, protection, and relate more positively to the host cultural.” This difference, in Uma Parameswaran’s view, is mainly due to their respective attitudes to the ‘concept of home’ and response to ‘homeland.’ Parameswarn herself a second generation migrants states:

Within the diaspora community the concept of ‘home’ continues to exacerbate intergenerational frictions that let us remember, exists everywhere. Most young people whose parents keep to old ways feel trapped by their differences, not only at school, but also at home. Home for those born in Canada is very definitely Canada, but because of force feeding by their parents’ homeland’ could still be India. 12

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