Reframing Essay

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How Reframing a Problem Unlocks Innovation Introduction -: Reframing is about deciding to look our thought from a different perspective. It’s about understanding something another way. It’s only the way we say things, it’s also the way we see things .Being able to things about things in a variety of way builds a spectrum of understanding and lead to variety of solution and options. Mastering the ability to reframe problems is an important tool for increasing your imaginations because it unlocks a vast array of solution. It opens us and other up. It does depend on you how you are taking that situation. Sometimes, the first step toward a great answer is to reframe the question. Problem statements often assume that you already know what to look …show more content…

Reframing problems takes effort, attention, and practice, and allows you to see the world around you in a brand-new light. You can practice reframing by physically or mentally changing your point of view, by seeing the world from others’ perspectives, and by asking questions that begin with “why.” Together, these approaches enhance your ability to generate imaginative responses to the problems that come your way. How businesses do it –: All companies need to continually reframe their businesses in order to survive in present competitive environment. Reframing problems is not a frill. On the contrary, all companies need to continually reframe their businesses in order to survive as the market and technology change. Kodak, Netflix, Face book and Amazon are among the absolutely quoted examples. Here is some examples are - The directors of the Tesco food-marketing business in South Korea set a goal to increase market share substantially and needed to find a creative way to do so. They looked at their customers and realized that their lives are so busy that it is actually quite stressful to find time to go to the store. So they decided to bring their store to the shoppers. They completely reframed the shopping experience by taking photos of the food aisles and putting up full-sized images in the subway stations. People can literally shop while they wait for the train, using their Smartphone’s to buy items via photos of the QR codes and paying by credit card. The items are then delivered to them when they get home. This new approach to shopping boosted Tesco’s sales

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