Reflective Practice Critical Analysis

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Further criticism for reflective practice bases its argument in the inappropriate conditions that can lead to unreflective practice. Yip (2006) embodies this concern within his argument; inappropriate reflective conditions can cause a social workers development to be hindered substantially. He discusses these inappropriate conditions, which may include a repressive functioning atmosphere within placement or in the workplace, which could be due to an overtly critical supervisor, indifferent co-workers and a large and overbearing workload. Moreover, self- reflection within social work practice requires students to surrender their personal space and independence to self- scrutiny and self- appraisal (Boyd and Fales, 1983). Developing a dialogue with the self takes …show more content…

Although there are many criticisms relating to reflective practice, they seem to be more focused on the way in which reflective practice is implemented within professional and educational settings, as opposed to negating its purpose as a whole. The question that appears at the forefront of reflective practice is- how well is it conducted? The key to successful reflective practice is to embody professional creativity, analytical self- consciousness and the ability to accept change and revolution. By fulfilling these requirements, and dwelling on the short falls that have been associated with reflective practice in the past, to empower practitioners and students to “make sense of the uncertainty in our workplaces” and offer us the ”courage to work competently and ethically at the edge of order and chaos” (Ghaye, 2000;

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