Reflective Essay About Music

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Have you ever been told to do something you didn 't know how? To learn a skill you 've never been taught, to apply a trait you 've never been shown, and to complete an assignment you have no real grasp on, well I have. Right now as I write every word come up with everything thought my understanding of what actually needs to be accomplished fails me. But as I read what little information was provided to me about a topic, listened to bits my teacher was able to piece together her unable to teach what she herself was untaught, I came up with my best plan an option for success. Music, something I’ve always loved and grew up listening to with my sister, I decided this would have to be the back bone of this assignment the genre my paper would have to be in. …show more content…

Krop for all the beautiful song she played, I 'd finally convinced my dad to buy me a keyboard for my birthday. I did everything I could to learn to play, resorting to teaching myself because my family couldn 't afford to get me a lessons. I never let the fact that I can 't read music stop me from wanting to play beautiful music like my teacher did every class for us. Because of this I learned to play music by ear and sight using mimicry an observation. So as I sat down to come up with this piece I would be composing I allowed my feelings of conflict and stereotyping to sway within me providing me with the ability to tell the story intended with my music. My composition needed conflict, yet compromise between each measure, a back and forth then ending in resolution. I intended my music to begin slowly and gloomy progress thought phases of ups and downs, good and bad, right and wrong, yet end with heighten satisfaction and a compelling tale but on to that

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