Reflection Paper About Breast Cancer

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My Reaction: Breast Cancer Speaker On October 25,2016, Sue Eichler came to talk about her experience with breast cancer. She works for at an office that works with women who have breast cancer. During her discussion, I felt pretty much informed. I feel a lot more informed on the challenges, process, and understanding of those who are going through treatment and what others decide to do. I feel a lot more confident about my knowledge of breast, as my fiancé’s mother was diagnosed with it over the summer. I feel that I can empathize with her a little more as now I know, in a way, about what she’s going through. Mrs.Eichler was diagnosed with breast cancer in June of 2007. At first she didn’t she even had it, until she was making her bed one morning and felt a sharp pain in her arm. She felt a lump and she knew something was wrong. So when she was working with Summa, she asked an associate to check. They started with an X-ray and nothing showed. Then they tried an ultra-sound but they couldn’t see anything because the tissue in her breast was so dense. They tried to tell her that since they couldn’t …show more content…

The one things I definitely didn’t learn was that you still do chemo while pregnant, it doesn’t leave any known side effects for the baby, the only downfall is that you will have to miss out on breast feeding. Also that your ovaries won’t be effected by chemo either. Another thing that I learned is that now they have technology to catch signs of breast cancer either faster and easier, such as 3D imaging, which I think is really cool. I even learned that you don’t even have to any other symptoms or have none at all until it gets really bad. One word of advice that I took strongly to heart is: ‘If you know something is wrong, don’t hesitate and don’t take no or nothing is wrong for an answer if you know something is wrong. You know your body better than anyone.’ I completely

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