Reflection Of Teaching At The First Day Of Class

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Upon entering this class, I did not know what to expect at all. I realized I was in a kinesiology field based class but had no idea what it was going to entail. After hearing what we were going to be doing during the first day of class, I was very excited. This class was the beginning of my teaching journey and I can not express how excited that makes me. Ever since I was in elementary I have wanted to be a teacher. Doing field experiences, learning about disabilities, bullying, racism, ethics, having class discussions, and all of the projects we had to do was the start of preparing me for my future profession. This class has definitely pushed me out of my comfort zone. I am not typically a shy person but something about this class made me nervous. Giving presentations in front of a classroom is something that I do not have much experience with, especially in front of my peers. I 've learned how to be more confident in what I am saying through participating in class discussions and presenting during the Pecha Kucha activity. As stressful as that activity was, memorizing the information that was important in order to teach my classmates was very beneficial and time efficient compared to reading word off of a powerpoint slide. While teaching in a classroom, you only have about an hour with your students a day so it is important to be time …show more content…

Another thing that opened my horizons while in the class was when the speaker came to talk to us about the LGBTQ community I have been exposed to this but have never learned so much about

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