Reflection In Health Care Service Delivery

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Reflection may denote various processes or phenomena depending upon the context of its use. In public health and nursing practice however, reflection can simply be defined as the process of reviewing an experience (Bulman, Lathlean & Gobbi, 2012). In essence, reflection involves accurately describing a situation, analyzing and evaluating it so as to enhance learning (Bulman and Schutz 2013). Reflection also relates to the process of reasoned thought that enables someone to critically assess themselves and their approach to practice as Bulman and Schutz (2013) asserts. Basically, reflection is used in reviewing an experience from practice so that it can be used to change or inform future practice (Busman et al 2012). In nursing practice, reflection and reflective practice refers to the process of examining how healthcare practitioners, particular performed or conducted an evidence-based practice (Bulman & Schutz, 2013). The practice may include how the nurses interacted with their patients, co-worked with other care providers or conducted an evidence-based research study (Bulman & Schutz, 2013). As a result, the nurses develop firm awareness and become accustomed with thought processes in health care service delivery (Bulman & Schutz, 2013). …show more content…

The assignment will first begin by providing a short analysis of the nature and importance of reflection and reflective practice. This will be done through an evaluation of the theories and models of reflection. Thereafter, the Gibbs Cycle will be used to discuss an experience in practice that offered reflection (Redmond, 2016). In the subsequent sections, the paper will provide problem description, describe personal reflection regarding the problem as well as evaluate and analyze the reflection before ending with a conclusion and action plan

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