Red Rising By Suzanne Collins

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I believe that I have an amazing idea that all of you should hear. I think that I just found the new oscar winning movie idea. I’m talking about the international best selling novel, Red Rising. It will be one of the most mesmerizing and enduring books you’ll ever read and, if made correctly, an amazing movie to watch. This is because of how it blows its competition out of the waters, the amazing characters, and the beautiful story it presents. Firstly, as a novel about a dystopian society, it’s been compared to Suzanne Collins’ famous Hunger Games trilogy in numerous reviews. However, in my opinion it exceeds The Hunger Games in numerous ways. The back story is richer and deeper. The hero, Darrow, is far more complex than Katniss Everdeen. Also, Red Rising, like The Hunger Games, is the first book of a trilogy, and would make a better movie than The Hunger Games. I’m not saying that Hunger Games isn’t a modern classic but all I’m saying is that I like Red Rising better. …show more content…

Also, the storyline has a large amount of mature literary undertone to it. For example, there are Roman mythology and philosophy references abound. However, above all else, it’s a heart-wrenching love story that would make you cry in the first 50 pages of reading. It is an addictive fusion of Lord of the Flies, Hunger Games, and Ender’s Game; this novel transcends traditional genre norm and will engage readers regardless of age, gender, or genre

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