Reconstruction DBQ Essay

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The Reconstruction has been killed! Who’s to blame, the North or South? The Northern neglect stopped Reconstruction because of neglect and racism. At the time the Reconstruction ended, the Declaration of Independence became one hundred years old in 1876 (Background Essay, Paragraph 1). Another important event that occurred was the election of 1876 for the new president. It was Rutherford B. Hayes against Samuel J. Tilden. The election caused talk of a new Civil War but then the Compromise of 1877 gave Hayes presidency. Rutherford B. Hayes became the new president at the time the Reconstruction was coming to an end (Background Essay, Paragraph 4). The presidential election did not help the Reconstruction at all. It destroyed American dream for the black people who were in the South (Background Essay, Paragraph 1). Neglect was one of the reasons that made the North cause the end of the Reconstruction. President Grant was so busy with other things that he began to put the Reconstruction to the side. In Document C, Paragraph 1 it says, “The tide …show more content…

People from the North said, “The blacks, as a people, are unfitted for the proper exercise of political duties.” (Document D, Paragraph 1). They believed that blacks were unfit to be in the government because they thought that they were lower class than white people. In Document D, Paragraph 1 the North says, “Blacks need a period of probation and instruction.” The Northerners were getting sick and tired of racial equality. It showed that racism existed in the North because the Northerners didn’t want blacks being in the government. They denied equal rights and thought that the black people were corrupt and a threat to society. The Northerners lost interest in the Reconstruction because they thought blacks needed a period of probation and instruction. They believed that blacks would do horribly in government because some of them couldn’t read and

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