Reconciliation and Punishment

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Reconciliation and Punishment

Forgiveness is important to Catholics, as it is a sign of Gods love

for us. God expressed his love by sending down his only son Jesus who

came down to relieve the world from sin. As Jesus was left to die on

the cross it is written that he begged for his father to forgive us,

and the resurrection of Jesus is said to be the sign that we have been

forgiven. Jesus preached forgiveness in many ways such as through

parables, on the cross and through his prayers. In one of his prayers

forgiveness has an important role in the prayer of the 'Our Father'

where it mentions

"And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those that trespass

against us"

Suggesting that if we forgive those that do us wrong we are doing as

God asked and we will be forgiven also making us closer to God.

Catholics seek reconciliation with God as it allows them to bridge the

gap between them and God, renew their faith and understanding, to be

cleansed and purified from their sins, and to live there life that God

expects them to lead.

The sacrament maybe considered the most important one, as it is a

spiritual journey for most Catholics, it is a way they can offer

personal forgiveness to God. For those that received the sacrament

they may feel purified and cleansed and at somewhat at peace with

themselves and God. This rebuilds their relationship with God and

rebuilds them in the family of the Church.

There are many teachings in the New Testament just one example is the

parable of the 'Lost Son'. It is a story of a son who spends his

entire share of his Father's money but later realises what a mistake

he has made .He returns to his Father and asks for penance an action

that will act as a remedy for the main fault of him. However his

Father forgave him instantly. This shows if you are truly sorry for

sins God will always forgive you.

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