Rebellion In George Orwell's Animal Farm

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To the animals on Animal Farm, we have become the subject to tyranny once again! But not from the hands of a human oppressor, but from our own kind. Despite the pigs constant reassuring words that our rebellion was for the better, and that they are doing whatever is necessary for the good of our farm. They have taken ‘our’ farm and turned it into ‘their’ farm. Now we should rebel, yet again, against the pigs reign for the ways that they have deceived us with their lies. When this rebellion started we were promised freedom from Jones, equality within our hierarchy, and stable laws. However, all we have received is greater oppression and deception from our leaders. First of all, the equality on Animal Farm is far from what we were originally …show more content…

Again, in Old Majors speech he declared that the way Jones was treating us was horrible, as he said of his ruling “He sets them to work, he gives back to them the bare minimum that will prevent them from starving, and the rest he keeps for himself”6. The pigs stole the milk and apples from us that could’ve been split between everyone, and claimed that they needed them for ‘good health’7. In addition to that, Old Major also stated in his speech many different examples of how man had taken what we have produced, and used it for his benefit. For instance, Old Major said “And you hens, how many of the eggs have you laid in this last year, and how many of those eggs ever hatched into chickens? The rest have all gone to market to bring in money for Jones and his men.”8We all agreed, including the pigs, that this was outrageous. In spite of that, Napoleon had taken away Jessie and Bluebells puppies from them and used them for his own benefit9, just like Jones and his men had done to us. Besides the fact that the pigs are disobeying the base of our rebellion and Animalism (Old Majors Speech), they’re also beginning to take on habits and action Jones had. The pigs have begun to sleep in Jones house10, walk on their hind legs11, carrying whips12, and they also have started to wear Jones clothes13.Furthermore, the pigs have started relationships with humans. It started off with Napoleon announcing that we would begin to trade with neighboring farms14, and recently we have seen them socializing with half a dozen farmers and playing card games with them15. The bonds the pigs have formed with other humans is making them even more similar towards man itself. All in all, the way the pigs are becoming like Jones, or man in general, is completely destroying all concepts of

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