Reassessing the Impacts of ‘WikiLeaks and the Iraq War Logs’

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‘WikiLeaks and the Iraq War Logs’ had shocked the population across the globe, leaving a tragic imprint in our minds from the 400,000 classified logs. Bradley Manning, the leaker, wanted to ‘change the world for the better’. However, the word ‘better’ have caused unlimited questions to be raised, which allowed us to reassess the impact it had put out into the world. Views were varied through different perceptions, whether it was better or worst for the society. Nonetheless, in order to judge the statement that Private Manning had made in the most rational way, the use of ethics may have to be applied.
The greatest leak in history provided the nation an idea of what is actually behind the headlines. The truth. We are now able to know that the soldiers have been through conditions that are harsher than what we have seen in the media. Evidence from live footage, the ‘Collateral Murder’, clearly reveals the façade of our society, allowing us to feel more empathy and respect for these brave men. Reactions to this were also seen through Twitter, where the use of hashtags related to the Iraq War logs was trending worldwide, and individual perceptions were communicated showing their pessimistic view about the truth. Also some views seen through tweets are shown to be disappointed by our society, which therefore the leakage weren’t better for the world as it builds an untrustworthy image towards their government. In my view I would agree with the leakage being better as for the future we could shape out perception on how war should be conducted.
However, the leakage wasn’t better for the world, as it can be used as a weapon against both the US and Iraq. Dr. Toby Dodge, a political scientist mentioned that ‘far too many Iraqi’s civilians a...

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... change our lives. Although, legally, Manning had fulfilled the Espionage Act, exposing government secrets. Ethically the court and government must follow the law to put him in jail. It could be viewed that this action was not ‘better for the world’ as it may encourage bad influence to hackers who would want to be seen as a ‘hero’, which therefore a similar incident may occur again. These two views are very challenging to determine what was better for the world, yet ethics may be applied here that Manning had to be put into jail.
The Iraq War logs may or may not have ‘change the world for the better’, which is depended on a diverse range of perception. Through my view, the argument clearly states that the leakage surely was better for the world as it allows the public to know the truth. The truth can be harsh, nonetheless it is the reality and we must accept it.

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