Reasons For Cyberbullying

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Bullying is a problem or fact of this society .Bullying is a big cause and reason as to why kids and teenagers even adults have committed suicide.Knowing how bullying is happening across the world and what bullying can do.People are now trying to stop or reduce bullying and we should help.Why would someone cyberbully?,Why are bullies?Who gets bullied,These are all major questions that people ask and have been answered.

Why would someone cyberbully?How would it affect the person that is being bullied?These are questions that are asked by many people.Cyberbullying happens many ways or can happen many ways,.Most of the time it happens because they are mad and want to take it out on the person because they know that they are weak and defenseless …show more content…

Who gets bullied?Well, that 's a very easy answer and everyone can be a victim of bullying.Most of the people that are targeted for bullying is same genders people because they are different than everyone else and they like the same gender so people decide that lets bully them because they are different and should be the same as us.People who are overweight are also a target for bullying because they can 't run as fast or eat a lot or cannot do things other people can 't and the bully finds it funny or treats them badly because of it.They See overweight people as different and can 't do many things because they are overweight and bullies see them as an easy target and abuse them Bullies go for anyone that 's different from the rest and go after them.They see anything that they can pick at and go for it .Bullies can bully someone who has a disability and goes for that and says hurtful things about it because they are different.Teachers who see bullying most of the time don 't intervene with it only sometimes but not all of the time .they don 't tell anyone about it if they see it and act like nothing happened.Almost every 4th to 8th grader gets bullied in school and can 't do anything about it .Verbal abuse is a constant problem that won 't disappear until we do something about it .Now it got to the point in bullying that kids are getting plastic surgery just to not get bullied and the parents allow it to happen.People believe that fighting back is the issue but it 's not it

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