Reading And Writing Relationship Analysis

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Reading and Writing connection relationship is an integrated skill that involves the manipulation of words and the ideas they express in groups, paragraphs, poems, novels, and reports, etc. Reading and writing work together as one depends on the other; however, when you learn to read, you are also becoming familiar with the way letters and words fit together to create meanings. (Vandermey, 2012) Writing is designed for communication; therefore, when you write you are sending a message to the reader to visualize what is being said.

The first way to understand the reading and writing connection is called SQ3R. A survey, question, read, recite, and review, which the material being learned gives clues of a rhetorical situation by focusing on …show more content…

Therefore, after surveying, there is a pretty good idea of understanding what’s been read.
• Questions, which keeps you actively thinking who, what, where, when, why, and how so that information can be absorbed to let you know where the text is heading. Self-questioning shows a positive effect. (Vandermey, 2012)
• Reading the text from start to finish, help you with the questions written down as a guide for outlining and mapping by imagining the events, people, places, or things read. Therefore, the reader can respond to the questions reserved. (Vandermey, 2012)
• Reciting the text over and over to yourself helps you understand the questions that have been written down, which helps cement the information into long-term memories. (Mackey, 2005)
• Reviewing the material helps you move information read from short-term memory into your long-term memory to answers the questions that you were unable to respond to in the first reading and recites answers during the first reading, which also helps when taking a test. (Mackey, …show more content…

Therefore, while thinking about the text before understanding it, you must read, review, and recite information as it is read while providing a written study guide as the text is read will help you think critically about a topic whether fact or fiction. (Vandermey, 2012) When it comes to understanding the reading and writing connection, SQ3R and analyzing images is just a tactical way of studying. When you engage in reading-to-learn, it will prepare you to write well only as if you engage in writing-to-learn you will become a more effective reader. (Mackey,

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