Reader Response To 'A Witness Of Blood'

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Reading Log Chapter One Title: ‘A Witness of Blood’ Reader Response: In this chapter, Douglass speaks about his relationship with his mother, and the possible whereabouts of his father. He pleas to our pathos by detailing the “whispers” of the possibility of his master being his dad. He reveals the way slaves are treated, and the lack of knowledge they are given about their life. For instance, Douglass mentions he is unaware of his birthday or exact age. He also includes a brutal description of the first time he witnessed someone being beat, and the blood. We as readers feel sympathy for the terrible inhumane upbringing that he and other slaves face. Rhetorical Device: Sentence: “I was not allowed to be present during her illness, at her death, or burial.” Douglass uses parallelism by verbally constructing the demise of his mom in a corresponding manor. By doing this, the audience feels for Douglass and it evokes our pathos. This description furthers the absent relationship between him and his mother. Douglass also says that when his mother dies he feels as that of a stranger to her and the situation. We as readers grieve this situation. By listing in order the unfortunate events, we see how his situation gets worse as it continues. This is a metaphor for being a slave, as you get older the punishments you receive are worse until you one day …show more content…

He explains the allowance for children and is the yearly clothing is given to their mothers or caretaker. The children unable to work in the fields are left with two coarse linen shirts per year. The situation is described as miserable. Once the two shirts have failed and are worn out children will be left naked. Therefore, the imagery used helps to better the readers understanding of the situation. We can now comprehend the lifestyle of a slave in the field and a child of a slave. The described horrendous conditions are continued, as is our

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