Reaction To The Crucible

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What is the theme of the crucible? By Arthur Miller’s- It started at this village named salem where there was a present of witchcraft. I remember that this girls were dancing around the fire, and screaming and also they were doing ritual. And ‘if i remember the girl named parris drank a bowl of blood and then a guy as i recall heard noises from the woods so he went to go investagate and he saw the girls dancing around. Also they were naked jumping around. Suddenly the girls noticed they were being watched so they start running and screaming. Next day in the morning the guy went to inform of what he saw in the woods that night so the guy i guess he already knew who the girls where. I believe it was parris, betty, tituba wells she’s a grown women and also parris sister. Now about parris and judge danforth is also unwilling to put his position of power in jeopardy. When john proctor and mary warren are …show more content…

So danforth asked john say god’s words the main ones from the bible he said most of them, i believe he missed one of them he even mentioned one of them twice so that makes danforth feel uncomfortable he said i will see you in court, and then he left. As i recall everytime the girls where called in the courtroom they make stuff up like oh there’s a devil in here, i feel a spirit and this other devil pacts the rest of the girls blamed all that stuff towards abilgail so the girl that confessed were taken to the prison and then from their they got hanged if there wasn’t any proof of not guilty they will be hanged i forgot the guy that got killed by rocks in the chest. At this point, proctor faces a new dilemma and wrestles with his conscince over whether to save himself from the gallows with a confession to a sin that he did not commit. The judegs and hale almost convince him to do so, but in the end, he cannot bring himself to sign his

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