Reaction Paper On Procrastination

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Procrastination has been connected to irrational behavior, and neurological disorders. I’m a procrastinator and I am going to try to change my behavior by reading a few articles. As of today, I tell myself that I will clean my room later tonight and a week goes by, before I actually do something. Not only do I procrastinate cleaning my room, I also put aside homework to do other things that I would rather enjoy, than the things that don't give me satisfaction. I have observed that we are all distracted by technology and there are many things that help us put aside important things we need to do. I feel that because I do not feel pleasure from doing homework or cleaning, I tend to procrastinate cleaning to do something I enjoy. I believe that procrastination is something I can work on and after reading articles about this behavior it will help me understand more on how to change this behavior. In this paper, I am going to explain how I will apply a few techniques to help me clean my room and not procrastinate. …show more content…

A study by Pychyl stated, “Procrastination is linked to negative feelings.” For instance, when I feel overwhelmed I tend to put off cleaning my room. That being said; if I have an extraordinary day, i’m less likely to procrastinate and I end up clean my room. Pychyl also said, “Forgiving yourself can reduce the guilt you feel about procrastinating.” I feel guilty every time I procrastinate, whether its my room or homework. If I can learn to forgive myself for procrastinating I will feel less guilty, because I tend to have a better attitude towards completing tasks. After reading this article, I learned that when I forgive myself for procrastinating I can get my tasks done when they need to be done without the negative feeling from pushing it

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