Raymond Vahan Damadian

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Raymond Vahan Damadian made many extremely important contributions to the world of nuclear medicine. Through schooling and hard work he was able to make large advances in magnetic resonance imaging. His dedication led him to invent what is now known as an MRI machine. MRI stands for magnetic resonance imaging, a very important machine that is used in hospitals all around the world. The MRI machine is used solely to diagnose maladies in humans. It can be used to detect cancer, tumors, dementia, strokes, and even multiple sclerosis. Damadian’s motivation and dedication to his professions was a very important part of his success. He was constantly ridiculed for his work, many scientists telling him that his ideas w ere farfetched and unattainable. …show more content…

People knew that from a young age on, he had the ability to do great things. Damadian was born into an Armenian family on March 16th, 1936. He was born and raised in a small cottage in Long Island, Queens County, New York. He lived alongside his father, mother and grandmother in that small cottage. His father Vahan Krikor Damadian was a very happy man. He had originally fled from Turkey to escape the horrors of the Armenian genocide. His father lived a humble life and loved to help people since people had taken him in after he had fled. He taught this to his sun and always reminded him that it never hurt to stop and help someone in need. Vahan did odd jobs around his community to try and earn enough money to support his son. Young Damadian loved to wander around his town and solve mysteries with his imaginary friends. He often chose to be alone and people considered him very odd. They questioned why his family would let him wander around when all of the other kids stayed home to help their parents. His parents knew that they should let him play because it helped strengthen his imagination. Damadian had been going to school for a very little while when many boys dropped out to help with the farms. Damadian’s father noticed that his son was accelerating greatly in math and science and so he decided to keep his son in school. This was a great choice because he continued to accelerate at a constant rate and was at the top of his class. He continued to surprise his teachers as he was solving incredibly hard math equations and understanding advanced concepts in science. Even though he was highly intelligent, he often caused mischief. He was constantly getting in trouble with his teachers and after a good talk with his father, he became slightly more obedient.

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