Nova Cracking Your Genetic Code Summary

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Date “Nova – Cracking Your Genetic Code”: the Summary
The PBS documentary “Nova – Cracking Your Genetic Code” tells about the genome sequencing technology: its current possibilities, advantages, disadvantages and future potential. The system became cheaper, faster and more available since the first human genome was fully sequenced in 2000. Modern companies use the technology to provide clients with the information about their genes and impacts they can have on owners’ health. Hospitals can provide more accurate diagnosis and personalized treatments with the aid of the genome sequencing. The video shows several examples of these benefits. But it mentions concerns about the quality of services, risks of exaggerated …show more content…

It helps medics to find a direct genetic cause of the patient’s condition and target it with pharmaceutical or other therapies. The technology is used for the identification of DNA sequences that increase risks of current diseases and disorders; with this information carriers can start to make efforts to prevent them before the development of the problem. The video mentioned 200 actionable genes, structures that have direct links with a specific condition. Knowing about their presence, people have a chance to bring in preventive measures like taking anticoagulants in the case of identification of a thrombogenic gene. The technology led to the significant improvement of diagnostics and personalized treatments. It helped to find a rare, life-threatening mutation in case of Beery twins and assign a drug to a girl (Alexis) that returned her to a normal life. In the case of cancer genome sequencing led to the development of genetic drags, which target essential tumor genes and make malign structures to shrink. The video mentioned a product that works with the BRАF protein that induces cells to uncontrolled division; the drug led to the remission in the patient with metastasizing melanoma. Such treatment was effective in the case of cystic fibrosis. In the case of the breast cancer the technology helps to evaluate the aggressiveness of the condition and make a personalized decision about chemotherapy. The video also mentioned the pre-implantation genetic diagnosis – an early-staged technology that prevents the development of inherited disorders in

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