Raymond Carter Cathedral Essay

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Raymond Carter is the author of a short story titled “Cathedral”. This story is set approximately a few decades ago in southern rural America, and is about a husband, his wife, and her best friend Robert who will be coming to visit them in their home. Throughout the story however, the narrator will encounter a few instances that will make him rethink not only the way he acts, but his way of life all together. The husband is a very traditional man in the sense that he does not enjoy new or different things as much as the average person. In the story he states, “I wasn’t enthusiastic about his visit. He was no one I knew. And his being blind bothered me” (Carter 34). There are a few different hints within the story that show how little he enjoys …show more content…

Since the narrator had such little information in regards to Robert it nearly seems like he is scared of him, scared of the unknown. Robert turned out to be much more different than Bub had originally expected him to be in many different ways. The tension among characters dramatically changes once Robert is brought into the scene. He and the wife have been very close friends for years now and have built a strong relationship. The narrator goes on to talk about how they communicated, “The blind man made a tape. He sent her the tape. She made a tape. This went on for years” (Carter 35). In order to remain such close friends over a long period of time communication is vital. Robert and the wife have what appears to be a stronger bond than Bub and his own wife. This can most likely be summed up due to lack of verbal conversing within the household among the two. Robert may not be able to see the facial expressions the narrator gives him but he can sense the pressure within the room. This makes Robert want to bond and become as close as possible with Bub. When they start drawing the picture of the cathedral is when Robert really becomes close with the narrator. This is what Bub says as they

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