Ray Bradbury's The Soft Rains Will Come

535 Words2 Pages

Tick, tick, tick, BOOM! Imagine in the future you have a home that does everything for you. Makes your breakfast, cleans, and wakes you up. Now, what would happen if all of humanity died? How would the house act? What about nature? Ray Bradbury's “The Soft Rains Will Come” is a story about a future where most (we don't know if all) are dead, and a smart home goes through its daily routine. But it faces some unexpected problems. The First thing that Ray Bradbury shows is how some animals have become dependent on humans by using a dog starving to death. When the dog starves, it shows that some animals have become dependent on humans because the dog could simply go and try to find some other food, but instead stays by the door. Instead of trying to find some food it waits by the door, waiting for someone to open it, because that's how it lived, having humans feed it. The dog died because it was dependent on humans, so the robotic mice that live in the house to clean, dispose of the dog. But this will not be the last time the mice are needed. …show more content…

In the story the house catches fire, and it uses everything it has to try and kill the fire, it uses water and even a chemical that is supposed to kill the fire, but the house burns down because it focused on the source fire and not the spreading fire, so when it spread around the house, it destroyed the robotic mice that were trying to extinguish the fire. If it had humans there to help, like the fire department, they could've focused on all of the fire and not try to extinguish the source. The house burned down because it tried to kill the source, and not the spreading fire, unlike humans would

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