Rape Victims Of Rape

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From the time that they’re children, American citizens are taught to associate the words “...Liberty and Justice for all,” with their country. However, there’s at least one group of people being greatly deprived of justice: survivors of rape. It comes as no surprise that approximately sixty-eight percent of rapes are not reported in a country where approximately ninety-eight percent of rapists are never jailed (Rape - Definition, Examples, Cases, Processes). Victims of this horrible crime are going through possibly the worst trauma of their lives, so it’s very difficult for them to want to come forward to law enforcement and somewhat have to relive their trauma, especially given the previous statistics. Perhaps one of the greatest contributors to these horrifying statistics, therefore, a reason rape survivors are unlikely to come forward, is the backlog of things called rape kits that many jurisdictions in the United States currently have. …show more content…

The examination done to collect evidence for a rape kit is extremely invasive and would be something a lot of people would consider traumatizing. This examination is done by doctors and nurses whose goal is to find some sort of DNA evidence that the rapist(s) left behind on the victim. This evidence could take the form of hair found in the clothing or on the body of the victim, skin cells found on the victim, and bodily fluids found on and inside the victim. Needless to say, this intrusive four to six hour exam isn’t something the normal person would ever wish to endure, especially after going through something as traumatizing as a sexual assault (“What is a Rape Kit

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