Rap Music Influence

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What influences and effects does rap/Hip hop music have on teens today? Rap music is filled with profanity, slang, and sexist comments, which has become a concern to parents and educators. Rap videos gives off an image of a fast and glamourous lifestyle mixed with sex, drugs, and violence. Just because a teen may pick u certain slang or fashion trend does not mean it changes his or her goals or values in life. Rap lyrics are emotionally intense and often gives off a rags-to-riches tale. According to Michael Delpleache of Hip Hop Gives Back, a youth empowerment organization, teens are drawn to the fantasies of wealth, glamour, and sex appeal in rap videos. What teens see in music videos and see can affect how they act. In an article on the website http://themycenaean.org an article by Nia Doaks …show more content…

Many teens and students from all over North Carolina came to see him preform. The problem is, this particular rapper only talks about one thing: smoking weed.” A student from a local school in South Caroline gives statement about how all the teens and other people were easily influenced into smoking weed because the artist was smoking weed. “There were a whole lot of people smoking at this concert,” said Courtney Moore, a sophomore at Leesville who attended. “I think that some of the people that were smoking were only doing it because he does, so they think it’s cool to be like him.” Not all rap/Hip Hop music is a bad influence to teens but be careful about what message you take out the song good or bad. Music is the movement of sound to reach the soul for the education of its virtue. Hip-hop is a rap music and genre formed in the United States in the 1970's that consists of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted. Rap music formed in New York City 1520 Sedgwick Avenue in the Bronx is the birthplace of

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