Island Survival: A Harrowing Rescue

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Rainsford walked around the island trying to find help. He was extremely exaughsted to swim away not knowing if anyone would come to save him. He thought," I must find a remote for the lights. I can use it to signal ships to come save me." He walked around and saw Ivan’s dead body on the ground. He turned him over to his back and checked his coat pockets. He came upon a black remote. Rainsford thought, “ How civilized is it to leave a dead body unburied?” Rainsford followed his way back to the lights. He was surprised to see that it was dark outside but at the same time he was happy cause the lights would be more noticeable. Rainsford flickered the lights back and forth and minutes later a ship came towards him. Rainsford swam a little to …show more content…

I assume your talking bout General Zaroff," Bob said. "I was with my brother one day, and we came to this island. We lost each other on that island, so I began looking for him. I then saw him dies because he was fed to General Zaroff’s hounds. I have always wanted to get my revenge on that man someday.” “I got in a sword fight with General Zaroff and killed him. That is how I escaped from the wicked island,” Rainsford said. Emma happened to hear them talk and then quickly ran to take control of the wheel. She was out of control and ended up crashing the ship back to Ship Trap Island. Rainsford quickly ran out to see what happened. He was shocked to see where he was. He turned around to see Emma holding a gun at his head. She said, “This is revenge for killing my husband.” She unexpectedly fell to the ground with Bob standing behind her with a gun in his hand. He said, “And this is revenge for killing my brother.” Then Bob and Rainsford got over everything that just happened and attempted to call for help again. In the glance, he happens to see Whitney on the ship. This time without a doubt he runs toward the ship and gives Whitney a big hug. Rainsford says, “Please don’t ask what happened.” Whitney just go with what Rainsford says. Then Rainsford and Bob smokes a pipe and take a long

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