Radiology Admission Essay

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Choosing what medical specialty to pursue as a career is often a dilemma for medical students. This however wasn’t the case for me. During my clinical rotations at King Edwards Medical University, I was fortunate enough to observe many patients whose correct diagnosis could not be made without the radiologist’s input. These experiences combined with an urge to channel my inner sherlock led me to pursue a residency in diagnostic radiology. After graduation, I joined the esteemed Radiology department of Aga Khan University for residency, one of the best residency programs in the country. Not only could I become the eye of clinician in making a diagnosis, I could do minimally invasive procedures under imaging guidance that otherwise would have required surgery. I fell in love with radiology even more once I was exposed to the full spectrum of what a radiologist’s work day is like. A focus on academic excellence, large workload volume and research conducive environment at AKU have made me what I am today and I feel fortunate. …show more content…

As a radiologist, my input can be crucial in both aspects. While a radiologist’s ability to glance at a film and offer an accurate interpretation is impressive, there’s much more clinical imaging offers in terms of therapeutic management. There are times when I have no diagnosis to offer the clinician but I do try my best. When I look at a diagnostic film, the first question before me is “what brought this patient to the hospital”. It’s a daily quest of solving a diagnostic puzzle and it’s

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