Racism Is A Social Construction Of Race

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Even though racism is not created on the biological level, it does exist however on a social one. Meaning that people believe in it and act on it as though it is a valid concept unable to be controlled. One of the many ways the construction of race has been shaped by people is through explicit, implicit and structural or institutional racism. Explicit racism includes any thoughts or behaviors that express a conscious acknowledgement of a racist attitude and beliefs. It also follows the belief that ones own racial group is superior to that of another’s. Implicit racism, in contrast, includes non-conscious biases, expectations, or tendencies that exist within an individual, regardless of any self-aware prejudices or discrimination …show more content…

Prejudice is having a predetermined attitude or opinion on a person or group of persons, which is not factually based or has not been experienced in some way. Discrimination is an action or behavior that results in unequal treatment of individuals due to their race or ethnicity. Which usually entails denial of social participation or basic human rights.
Although there are laws, regulations and social movements that have put in valiant efforts to minimize the amount or racism in today’s society, and despite the numerous advancements made, such attempts have failed to abolish the presence of racism indefinitely. The many failed attempts demonstrate the insufficiency of rigid governmental efforts.
Racism occurs and is spread by the way of individuals, groups and institutions, and all of said suppliers are socially constructed. Stratification occurs to benefit some people over another, we are subtly taught from a young age through various social outlets (media, politics, education, etc) to believe and adhere to racism. Believing these social narratives is what keeps the oppressed down, and allows others to …show more content…

Producing valuable research in controversial areas such as racism helps to broaden our understandings of the matter, ultimately resulting in a way to better solve the issue. The only way to bring an end to socially constructed views is to reconstruct them, in a positive manner. The results of this research intend to help support equality and counter the effects of racism by allowing others to see and understand what exactly constitutes racist behavior and how it can be

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