Racism In The Anti-Defamation League

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To start with, set in the 1960s this movie wouldn 't be depicting the south if it didn 't include the racial social problem. According to The Anti-Defamation League racism is the belief that a particular race is superior or inferior to another, that a person’s social and moral traits are predetermined by his or her inborn biological characteristics. Racism can be subtle , but not okay, or it can be presented in the biggest way possible. You have situations like in the movie where they’re completely unacknowledged like they 're really not present. And details like having to sit the coffee on the table rather than handing it to them just so their hands won 't touch. They could prepare their meals and raise their children but if their skin touched …show more content…

Yes both white and black kids were in school but some black kids were having to drop out and get a job to help pay the bills. Minnie made her daughter drop out and become a nanny after she lost her job. These kids weren 't able to just be kids, they had responsibilities at a young age. These days a lot of kids growing up in poverty feel like they have to drop out and work to get the bills paid. Other kids do it because their parent can 't afford to get them the stuff they “want”, so they get a job so they can get it themself. Another problem one of the maids were faced with in the movie is having to pick between which one of her kids she would send to college since she didn 't have enough money to send both of them. She asked for an advance but when they declined she stumbled upon a ring and tried to pawn it. That was her solution to her problem but it backfired when she was arrested. Many families today are faced with the financial aspect when it comes to further education. Smart students with hopes and dreams are forced to settle for a high school diploma because college is simply too expensive. Now people and organizations have scholarships to help those students out but everyone can 't win. There really is not way out for

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