Racism In Canada

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Throughout the nineteenth and twentieth centuries the Canadian government developed several racist policies to contest the settlement of Chinese immigrants in Canada. Following the government’s reaction to Chinese immigrants a Canadian moral panic evolved . The first Canadian Prime Minister, John A. MacDonald (1878-1891) had a vision for the ideal “white” Canada . This Canada would be physically and morally prosperous by exhibiting European dominance over visible minorities. Racism occurred in different aspects from general mistreatment to formal legislation limiting movement and entry into Canada’s borders. The first Chinese immigrated to Canada in the early nineteenth century following the gold rush. Initially Chinese immigrants sojourned to Canada, creating an aura of mistrust. The sojourners national identity was questioned. By the early twentieth century the Chinese were Canada’s largest ethnic non-European group . ……check textbook….John A. Macdonald warned “if [the Chinese] came in great numbers and settled on the Pacific coast they …show more content…

The foundation of the legislation was to impede and discourage the entry of new Chinese immigrants into Canada. Therefore, the process of racialization or what Timothy Stanley terms “biological racism” began . In 1885, the government had fulfilled the promise of completing the national railway to the Pacific coast. Thus, the Chinese Head Tax was implemented . The Chinese Head Tax was fifty dollars in 1885, as a result immigrants wishing to enter Canada would pay the financial burden. Several amendments were made to the Chinese Immigration Act. In 1900, the tax was doubled to $100, and in 1903 an astounding $500 . The head tax was tremendously difficult to pay. Many Chinese had already borrowed money to come to Canada, the additional tax made it impossible to afford. Furthermore, the 1903 head was significantly more than some Chinese worker’s annual

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