Racial Segregation In Kansas City

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Segregation In Kansas City
Kansas City, Missouri, is one of the country's most segregated cities. (Page,1). Properties are anything from $356,000 (Page,1). Abandoned houses and unkempt lawns greet you at most corners.(Page,1). One building I pass is completely boarded up, with piles of rubbish outside, and the words Stay Out in spray paint.(Page,1). The housing on either side of Troost is very much split down race lines. (Page,1). Strict guidelines were drawn up regarding where mortgages could be issued.(Page,1).
Many middle-income black people follow middle-income white folks wherever they go.(Joe Louis Mattox Page,2) Racial segregation is a common Characteristic of the urban landscape of most Major american cities.(Keith Kelly Page,3) Residence

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