Racial Democracy In Brazil Essay

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Even though Brazil promotes itself as a colorblind country, due to the miscegenation in the region “racial democracy” does not exist. Being European is seen as being more progressive or civilized and attempts to “whiten” oneself are highly favored. The purpose of this paper is to show the plight of Afro/Black Brazilians in Brazil. How an attempt to whiten oneself by emancipating themselves from their “blackness”, which has been rooted in negativity, may be understood as voiding the claim that racial democracy exist in Brazil.
Racial Democracy in context to Brazil; is a term that has been used to describe the tranquility of race relations between “Blacks and Whites” in the country. Racial discrimination in Brazil has the appearance of being without foundation, which helped the country become the prototype for efforts to move past slavery and toward racial reconciliation. Essentially, the theory is that Brazil is “above race” or does not see “color”. In other words, this ideology affirmed that the construct of race did not exist, which therefore made the possibility that both racially based prejudice and discrimination exist null and void. I would have to characterize this notion of racial democracy as dogma seeking to create the perception of a “color-blind” or “race-less” Brazilian society.
This concept of racial democracy would significantly impact how Brazil addressed inequalities between White and Black Brazilians. On the one hand, Brazil’s effort in exhibiting a strong sense of pride among its nationals by adopting the customs and traditions of Africans, promotes this notion of racial democracy as the endorsed philosophy. As a result, all Brazilians were thought to be considered equal no one group was of better quality then...

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...rom the public discourse reaffirms the cultures silent oppression of a people. In other words, if progress is to be made, it remains to be seen whether Brazil can truly overcome the psychological impacts that the concept of racial democracy has caused.
In conclusion, despite attempts to suppress the concept that racism exists from the public discourse, it is alive and flourishing in Brazil. Even though the persistence of inequalities between White and Black Brazilians can be attributed to a number of factors, the current status of Afro/ Black Brazilians can be seen as a by-product of its ancestry. Moreover, this racial democracy has had a negative impact to the extent that it has caused some Afro/ Black Brazilians to ignore their African heritage; this sense of denial continues to prevent them from identifying and embracing those belonging to the African community.

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