Rachel Carson Research Paper

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Rachel Carson had a very exciting life, she never was in the same job for more than five years, always was doing something never sits around. She made many books about wildlife. Rachel had a pretty normal childhood! She loves the outdoors and her family. Rachel was born May 27, 1907 in Springdale Pennsylvania near Pittsburgh. Her parents Robert, Maria had alrighty had two children Robert Jr and Marian. Also she had dog named Candy which always when out with her when she went outside. When Rachel was small she was a shy girl. She was little grew up on a Pennsylvania farm which helped her to know nature and all about wildlife. She loved exploring nature, she went deep in the woods and explored trenches for ideas for wildlife and for her books. …show more content…

She worked very hard in school, so she could get her masters in wildlife. In 1913, she started school when she finished that she graduated from Pennsylvania College for Women (now Chatham College) in 1929. Further studies at John Hopkins University, then became an environmentalist impactor. When she was older she still loved to spend “ a great deal of time in woods and beside streams, learning about the birds, insects and the flowers.” She had many careers because she kept changing her mind about what she liked and what her family needed. She was a zoologist at University of Maryland in 1931-1936 and a Government job through the 1940s. Aquatic biologist at the U.S Bureau of Fisheries; the fish and wildlife Service through 1936-1952. In the 1950s Rachel conducted research into pesticides on food chain in the book, Silent Spring. Now writes books about wildlife and is an

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