Quotes From The Landlady

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In the story “ The Landlady” Billy was drinking his tea that the landlady had made for him. He had said in the story that it tasted like “bitter almonds” . There is two things that could have happened here, either the landlady can’t make good tea, or she was poisoning Billy. If the landlady was poisoning him, she would have been using cyanide. It would make sense if she killed him with cyanide because Billy had mentioned a war going on, and in WWII British and American secret services developed the "L-pill", which stands for lethal pill. They would give these L-pills to agents that way if they were captured they would bite this pill and die. The pill had a thin plastic casing and was filled with potassium cyanide.Which of course has the smell …show more content…

He had said that it smelled like pickled walnuts, new leather, or a hospital. The landlady had later pointed out that her dog and bird were stuffed and she did them herself, saying that she knew how to do taxidermy. Billy could have been smelling her preserving agents like, borax or alcohol. He might have smelled the “new leather” because leather is organic, it use to be living, as it was the skin of an animal. When you take the skin of an animal it starts to break down, or rot, so people have to start preserving the hide as soon as it comes off the animal. You have to do the same in taxidermy. As soon as an animal dies, it starts to break down. So you have to freeze the animal until you are ready to start preserving it. When you are ready to start, the first thing you have to do is skin the animal. Then soak the skin in a 50/50 mix of glycerin and alcohol for up to two weeks.When you remove the skin, you would need to pat it dry and remove any glycerin from the inside. For bird and fish preservation,you rub borax on the inside of the skin. Then all you would need to do is stuff it and sew it back up. So Billy could have been smelling the borax and the hides of the animals or people she was performing taxidermy

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