Quotes About The Relationship Between Achilles And Warner

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“I have to leave in seven minutes” (Mafi 204). Juliette and Warner have been growing their relationship day by day in the training room and in each other’s arms. Adam is having a hard time coping with his so-called “love affair” because he is still in love with Juliette. I think Adam is having a hard time letting go of the girl he once met because she’s not the same person that he wants her to be. I don’t agree with the parts where Warner says he loves Juliette but doesn’t show it. The first piece of evidence that Warner doesn’t show his affection for Juliette is when Warner explodes in Juliette’s face while they’re talking in his office. “Go, ‘he says quietly.’ ‘I don’t want you to be here right now’” (Mafi 202). This confuses me because if you love someone don’t you want to spend time with them? Warner makes it sound like he doesn’t appreciate Juliette’s presence sometimes. He basically tells Juliette that by her not leaving, it’s making him lose his dignity. The last time I checked you don’t say that to someone you love. Last time Juliette checked that’s not …show more content…

Warner has been helping train Juliette for battle against the supreme commander. The plan is to beset Anderson from all sides and take him down once for all, so Juliette must learn to control her powers. Warner has a weird way of doing this though. He strictly keeps his relationship out of training. He acts like they have no connection during the training sessions because he wants her to focus. I understand how he wants her to focus on training but he’s pushing her away while doing it. He leaves her with instructions to follow but no communication. Juliette said in the book that he doesn’t like to talk much during the training sessions, and no one knows why. Warner’s always kept to himself until he met Juliette, which doesn’t make sense why he won’t talk to her. He basically asks her to punch him because he doesn’t know how else to talk to her around other

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