Quills Play

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I attended the play Quills on October 29th at 2:00 PM which was put on by the Student Experimental Theatre Organization. The play was a drama held in an insane asylum. Dr. Royer Collard is over an insane asylum where he gets help from a priest, Abbe de Coulmier. Renée Pelagie has a bed reputation from her insane and ungodly husband that is a patient in the asylum. She tries her hardest for the asylum to quit having him be able to write because what he writes is horrible and affects all in the community. Abbe de Coulmier struggles with keeping him under control. While in the end Coulmier goes insane and Dr. Collard blames him and puts him in the asylum. The playwright’s belief would be to not be led by someone else, but to always stand up for your first option. Never get pushed around by others because it can drive you insane. The director did use different levels of stage to give the audience pictures. …show more content…

He had good diction and projection during the play. In the black box, they did not have microphones, so the audience had to be silent in order to listen to the actors. Marquis had no problem with his words and yelling at times to emphasis words. During the play, he made it clear how he felt towards certain individuals. He had crushes on some of the other characters, while others he despised with hatred. He was very consistent when taking different forms of his character. Making his character be believable and be a mad man as they wanted the audience to think. With his different laughs and facial expressions are what made it be so realistic, he was playing the part not just doing it. Although his accent was believable and mostly consistent there were a few times he lost it when getting quiet or loud with his voice. The actor showed he was confident on stage, reason for this is he got completely naked in front of a live

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