Accounting Information And Capital Market Case Study

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Question 1.

You are given the diagram below. Explain what the diagram shows in relation to the module 1 topic on accounting information and capital markets. 

Answer 1.
The diagram above is based on research findings done by Beaver, Clarke and Wright (1979) and Foster, Olsen and Shevlin (1984).
It shows the magnitude of forecast error and the magnitude of share price reaction in the share market. The researchers on the basis of their findings found out that the results were consistent with the Ball and Brown (1968) study. They found that there is a relationship between forecast error in Earnings Per Share and the share price reaction. The researchers instead of grouping the firms into two groups grouped them into ten portfolios. They determined these portfolios on the basis of forecast earnings per share.

The diagram ranks all the firms based on the magnitude of forecast Earning Per Share. Portfolio 1 firms are the worst performing firms as they have the most …show more content…

The Debt holders?
Answer 3
In order to motivate the management to work in the interest of the owners and reduce their amount of opportunism there is a need to align their interests with that of the shareholders. Both the shareholders as well as the managers should benefit from their agency relationship. In other words we need to align their incentives because shareholders want maximisation of firm’s value whereas managers want to maximise their remuneration.
Therefore, to align their incentives there is a need to negotiate a bonus plan contract in which bonus will be paid to the managers in accordance to the earning performance of the firm. Higher the earnings of the firm higher will be the bonus paid to the managers and vice versa. This will be an incentive to hard work for the managers because their bonus is directly linked to the earnings of the firm and if they maximise the earnings of the firm it would mean maximisation of shareholders value as well as maximisation of managers

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