Question and Answer on Never Let Me Go

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1. How is the theme of conformity important to the novel? How may this affect the characters? The characters in Never Let Me Go place a huge value on conformity––for example, Kathy repeatedly emphasizes how "typical" she is, and Ruth blatantly copies the gestures of older students at the Cottages. Kathy even notices this and confronts Ruth saying, “It’s not what people really do out there, in normal life, if that’s what you were thinking.” (122) Ruth wants to fit in with the others at the cottage, and will copy them and lie to them to win their approval. The organ donation system seems to run relatively smoothly because everyone is willing to accept docilely their fate as donors. What’s very interesting about these “clones” most of all is that they never try to rebel, or find a better future for them selves. In most novels where characters are stuck in a life that they can’t get out of, they will often run away or do something drastic to escape their fates. At times you almost wish they will do something drastic or exciting, because they are barely living at all, and they give up the...

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