Queen Elizabeth The First Essay

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Queen Elizabeth the First took on the formidable task of becoming queen at the young age of twenty-five. Despite her age, she ruled over England with all the wisdom of grace that one should. It has been argued that Queen Elizabeth I was a big part in Europe not being involved in the religious wars that tore apart many European states during the 1500’s. Queen Elizabeth I was born on May 3rd, in the year 1533 to her father, Henry the Eighth, and her mother, Anne Boleyn in Greenwich England. When Elizabeth was only two years old her mother was beheaded so Henry VIII could remarry. Despite Henry’s cruelty and obsession with having a male hair, he still showed affection for his daughter and made sure she was well educated. By her teens Elizabeth …show more content…

She was one of the most important people in England. Elizabeth was well liked and respected by her subjects. The young queen was wise beyond her years and knew how to compromise with her people. She referred to herself as “Supreme Governor” over spiritual matter rather than “Supreme Head” of the church. This minor change between Elizabeth I and Henry VIII made a huge difference in how her subjects saw her. She worked hard to unify her country and did exactly what she set out to do. Elizabeth I unified England with the Elizabethan settlement. The Elizabethan settlement was a series of reforms that created a middle ground between the Protestants and the Catholics. The Church of England kept some Catholic rituals, while Elizabeth I allowed English to replace Latin in church services. These seemingly small changes ended years of religious turmoil. Queen Elizabeth had an enormous impact on England. Elizabeth expanded England’s international power and encouraged an artistic period by being a patron of the arts. All of these impacts are positive and helped England economically and socially but unifying England was the most significant by far. For years England was torn between Protestantism and Catholicism. The two did not know how to coexist, and were probably on the brink of a religious war. Queen Elizabeth the First was a very important ruler of England. She audaciously broke religious barriers that those before her were too scared to do. She was significant because despite the things holding her back she pressed on and was successful beyond

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