Pursuing A Masters Degree In Real Estate Essay

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Why a masters degree in real estate?
I have been asked by many friends, associates and family members over the last few months, why I am pursuing a masters degree in real estate, how do I think this will help me in my career, what is the point? This has led me to contemplate why I am really doing this. How will this really help me in my career if at all?
I graduated from college in Illinois with a bachelor's degree in Advertising, excited to leave college and ready for my bright future in the Advertising field in Chicago. That did not happen, instead I spent the next decade or so travelling the world. I was however lucky enough to discover a love of real estate, buying my first condominium at the age of 18 at an auction, spurred on by my mother. I then went on to get my real estate license, become a registered real estate appraiser, …show more content…

Real estate has sustained me for over 15 years, but my desire does not stop there. I have sold HUD homes, land only, residential properties, income properties, and done some commercial leasing. Now, I want simply to continue my real estate education I would like to learn more about the commercial side of real estate, and also asset management, I want more financial knowledge when it comes to real estate transactions . I want to learn about the new laws that our licensing is based upon. There is nothing out there that will allow me to gain this much knowledge except for a masters degree in real estate and as this is my passion, it seems the only path for me. Will it help in my career? I would like to think so. I believe that a masters degree in my field will

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