Purple Hibiscus Quotes

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What if you had to see your mom get beaten by your father and you hear your brother’s screams from your father deforming his hands. The novel ¨Purple Hibiscus” by ¨Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie touches the topic of abusive behaviors and its outcome. In Purple Hibiscus Kambili faces adversity, and her response show that she became submissive but gradually change throughout the parts of the story. The roman poet Horace once wrote, “ Adversity has the effect of eliciting talents which in prosperous circumstances i would have lain dormant.” In the novel Kambili proves this idea is true because she starts off as silent but as she goes through events see changes to an outspoken person. In the beginning of Purple Hibiscus, Kambili responds to adversity by always remaining silent,thus characterizing her as submissive. One event takes place when she is at home and her father throws his missal and it break that figurines in anger. On page 10 in the book it said “ I meant say sorry papa broke your figurines, but the words that come out were “i'm sorry figurines broke,mama.” That piece of evidence shows that she would not place blame on her father for breaking her mother things in a fit of …show more content…

On page 238 she is talking about being free and how she felt like a snail. This piece of evidence is on page 238 when is said” she picked up on enterprising snail…determined I wanted to buy the whole basket and set that one snail free.” That piece of evidence was alluding to herself and how she was set free and how she wanted other to be set free. Another piece of evidence is on page 290 when it talk about in the text about her father being dead. On page 290 in the text it said “ why did you put it in his tea.” that piece of evidence shows that she will speak up and not remain silent and

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