Pumpkin Research Paper

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Autumn Crafts

During the season of autumn, there is an influx of bright yellows and red which children fill children with wonder and awe. As the weather cools, it's an ideal time to venture outside to learn and play with nature. Nature provides a variety of materials that can be utilized by parents for exciting activities which challenge a child's growing intellect.

Pumpkins are a common sight in autumn décor, however they can be used for children's activities as well. A pumpkin weigh-off is an interesting way to use numbers while preparing a pumpkin for carving. Help the child place their pumpkin on a sturdy scale. After the children have used tools and their hands clean out the inside of their pumpkin, empty all of the waste into a large bowl. Use the same scale to measure the bowl, and then compare the measurements. Children will enjoy estimating the weight of their empty pumpkin. …show more content…

The way that a carved pumpkin changes as it decomposes is an interesting process for children to witness. There are a few methods for children to record the decomposition of their pumpkin including drawing, photographing, and written word. A safer alternative to carving a pumpkin for younger children is to use paintbrushes or fingers to paint faces onto the surface of a pumpkin.

There is an array of colors available in the autumn which are excellent for creating vibrant craft projects. Children will enjoy gathering the full spectrum of colored leaves which can be transformed into a color wheel. Use a sturdy piece of paper and a glue stick to arrange the leaves by their color gradient into a circular shape, then cut the paper into a circle. Voila! The child now has an autumn color wheel.

Encourage children to use their imagination when creating stick and glue shapes and creatures with their collection of colorful

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