Public Surveillance Cameras Persuasive Essay

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According to the New York Civil Liberties Union in four well-known areas of New York the number of public surveillance cameras has rose from 769 in 1998 to 4,468 in 2005. This seems like a huge increase but if you think about it really isn’t. In a period of seven years there were 3,699 new cameras, which lined the streets keeping the citizens safe. These cameras, which are all over the world cause no harm to anyone, all they do is keep us safe and help the authorities know when we are in need of help faster. People who are against surveillance cameras will say they are an invasion of privacy, but that is completely false. The cameras are only put in public places where there are large numbers of people. If you are in a large area with a lot of people you don’t have any privacy then ether. I think that surveillance cameras are a good idea.
Imagine yourself trapped in your house after an earthquake, or on your roof after a tsunami or flood, well if your state had public surveillance cameras you would be safe. Gregory P. Suhr, Chief of Police in San Francisco California stated that in...

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