Public Service Model

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The road to a better government is not easy, however, it is essential to improve the delivery of services that affect the quality of life for citizens. The primary theme in this chapter is that the Government is being faced with accountability and as an explanation, the citizens have developed an increase of expectations and also demand improvements that are visible in the delivery of public services. The government needs to have bi-directional dialogue with its citizens, monitor its implementation, and be accountable for the results. The government needs to take citizens into consideration and the citizens need to take part in the government. By expanding the knowledge of the citizens of how the government works, it can address many of …show more content…

However, by listening to the ideas and problems of the community as a whole, the happiness of each individual citizen would not be fulfilled. It can be a challenge for the public administrator when citizens and/or small groups promote their own special interests. The administrator cannot ignore them, because the policy must and should reflect the broader views and ideas of the community. Public administrators need to examine new technological innovations to ensure that policies are implemented properly and effectively and produce desire results.
Representative democracy allows that all citizens have the opportunity to express their interests and opinions. Public administrators need to encourage citizens to voice their interests and opinions, but, public administrators should know that they do not make decisions on their own, instead, it should be a collaborative effort between them and its citizens. In this regard, the technological tools used, by the administrator, which gives a voice to the citizens, should achieve better outcomes for citizens. Thus, creating a broader and balanced government that supports the American …show more content…

Participating in bi-directional dialogue and in civic involvement can be time consuming. By taking advantage of technology and using it in ways that matter, it can lessen the time needed when involved in civic duty. When citizens use smart technology, it can allow hard working, busy citizens, to have efficient bidirectional dialogues with their public administrators, all by which can change existing communication strategies used in government and politics. The interpersonal relations between citizens and public administrators can be altered by the use of technology when used efficiently and justly. Technology can improve the democratic practice, but it can also eliminate or at least diminish the obstacles that society has created by building a participatory and collaborative image with one

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