Psychotic Mass Killer Typology Analysis

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My firm belief is that Mr. Whitman will most likely fit into the psychotic mass killer typology. I was at first thinking of Ms. Whitman fitting the typology school shooters, but a school shooters motivation for the mass killings are hatred for school, hatred for other students or ethnic groups, Mr. Whitman didn't have that kind of motivation. Mr. Whitman´s motivation for the mass killing according to him was the thoughts he had in his head, and he couldn't stop himself from killing. This kind of motivation sounds more like a psychotic mass killer rather than a school shooter. I believe that Mr. Whitman´s motivation sounds to me more like he has some type of psychotic condition. Mr. Whitman doesn't state anything abut hearing …show more content…

Whitman fits to the typology the family annihilator. But, a family annihilator mass killer would only murder people the offender has a close relationship to, like members of the family. Mr. Whitman only killed to members of his family, and his other victims was randomly selected which he had non relationships …show more content…

I believe Mr. Whitman wrote the note about killing his mother because he wanted in some way explain why he did it. By reading the note, one could see that the triggering factor for Mr. Whitman was when his mother left his father. Overall in the text it is also stated that Mr. Whitman started to act different when his parents got divorced. It could be why he decided to kill his mom as well, because she was the one leaving the relationship even though as he stated that he hated his father but loved his mother. However, I think Mr. Whitman wrote the note to explain why he had murdered his mother and that it wasn't because he hated her, he wanted to stop her from suffering. But, I also believe the note was a sign of remorse because he is always stating how much he loves his mother, but hates his father. Mr. Whitman is only saying positive things about his mother, which could be a sign of remorse because he is also stating that he is very upset over killing his mother. So, Mr. Whitman probably wrote the note to explain that he didn't kill his mother because he hated her, and in the way he was describing his mother in the note I believe he was remorseful over having to killed

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