Critical Analysis Of 'A Clear Midnight' By Walt Whitman

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A Clear Midnight

“A Clear Midnight” is a poem written by Walt Whitman. The poem is about a night spent on silent thinking, in which, Death is presented as the ending of a day unlike the typical representation of death as a terrible and awful experience. This is because Whitman associates death with a clear midnight, and this kind of association exemplifies death in a peaceful way.
Throughout this poem Whitman uses the catalogs technique, in which, he lists things that are different together, for example, “Night, sleep, death and the stars”. Here Whitman lists and unites these things that are different in one thing then associates them with death, as a way to emphasis the sense of equality. For Whitman all these objects are equal. This is clear when he moves from one idea to another. Also, this kind of technique reflects Whitman and his quest to discover that devious self. I found this poem to be a very peaceful poem. This is because the atmosphere in this poem is very calm, as a result, of the way the poet draws the picture of the perfect midnight. Although Whitman uses very simple language in his poem, it carries a lot of meaningful and valuable ideas. Also, Whitman throughout this poem tries universalizing the experience of death.

Portrait d'une Femme by Ezra Pound
Ezra Pound’s poem “Portrait d'une Femme” presents a portrait of a woman who spends most of her life living in London. Ezra Pound is the one who established the imagism movement. In addition, he defined” image” as that which presents an intellectual and emotional complex in an instant of time. This essay will discuss the images that Ezra Pound presents in this poem.
Throughout this poem, Pound associates the image of the Sargasso Sea with the woman’s communication...

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... of war. I also like how the poet represents the way his society divide and classify people according to their classes. I found the language of this poem is easy to read, and this is because the poet wrote this poem using free verse, which is consider to be one of the main characteristic of modernism. I also like how E.E.Cummings uses irony in his poem, for example, when he said “Humanity I love you” and he repeats this sentence many times as a way to emphasis the opposite meaning of it, and he revels the real meaning in the last line of this poem, when he said “Humanity I hate you”. I found this poem a very emotional one. This is because the poet tries to represent his own feeling and view toward this kind of very selfish and greed attitude. I also like this poem and I feel connected to it. This is because the poet chooses a topic that everybody can relate to it.

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