Psychological Concepts Affect Human Life

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Psychological concepts apply and occur in our daily lives in many ways. There are several concepts that affect human life. Such concepts include human behavior, personality, motivation and intelligence, just to mention a few. The following is a discussion of how psychological concepts apply to my own life experiences. The first experience, which keeps on repeating itself, is absent mindedness. Many are times when I leave my keys in on my desk and forget if I left them there. I keep checking my pockets as it is usually there. Additionally, when I meet someone for the first time in class or in general, it becomes very difficult to remember his name. This is because I am focusing on other things such as what he or she is saying. This is one of the psychological concepts that could be explained by the lack of paying sufficient attention when encoding memories. Absentmindedness is the inattentive or shallow encoding of events. This is where you have a decreased memory because you did not pay attention. I know that every day when I come home I put the keys on my desk but I still look fo...

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