Psychological Analysis of Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel Hawthorne

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Although this short story -- one of the greatest in American Literature -- was published almost a century before Sigmund Freud, a renowned psychologist and psychoanalyst, published his works, Young Goodman Brown almost explicitly illustrates how Freudian psychology works. A lot of aspects of psychology are depicted in this short story.

One of the questions that one might ask is whether the experience of Goodman Brown was merely a dream or a reality. I would say that that is only a dream, based on the clues found in the text. At the first part, the scene when the couple parted, Goodman Brown said, “…she talks of dreams, too…” This means that he has been experiencing dreams that bother him. And the narrative is but one of those. It tells us how powerful dreams are, or more specifically, how powerful our unconscious and subconscious minds are. The unconscious mind is where bad memories are repressed, while the conscious mind is where good experiences and memories are expressed. The subconscious mind links the two. His subconscious mind had been so powerful that it even overcame the conscious mind, and it intruded on Goodman Brown’s conscious mind and therefore affecting his own living and his persona (one’s public self).

Another idea that is quite obvious using the psychological approach is the conflict between the id and the superego, and how the ego finally decided on the problem. The id is the part of the mind attached to the world. It is therefore worldly desires like material things and sex. The strange man represents the id in the story. He convinces Goodman Brown to go to the path of evil, just as the id would convince him. I believe that the path of evil is worldly. Most would say that it is easier or enjoyable to ...

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...sure. I really think that Brown has had a psychological disorder. The vast majority of disorders result from a combination of constitutional and environmental factors. The experience had been a trauma to him.

Goodman Brown is clearly undergoing several struggles involving sex, religion, demons, and his own shadow, his unconscious id and superego, and his purely conscious ego. It is about how a man’s life, faith, and beliefs were shaken by a night’s dream, whether this has been a reality or an illusion. The story proves the power of the mind. It talks about how the mind governed the man’s actions. The piece was great because it allows us, readers, to have a different interpretation every time we read it. The story is well written and is easily understood. I think the main focus of Hawthorne is to show the conflict, rather than to impress the readers with language.

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